- it is reported that Apple's new OS, Snow Leopard, will be released at 28,Aug. I'm sure it's better than Leopard, but should I REALLY buy it? #
- Tweets on 2009-08-19 http://ff.im/-6PC6m #
- 半年ぶりのお茶漬けが死ぬほど美味いです。 #
- In Kiwi English, is the pronunciation of "a" (ei) same as "i" (ai)? Sometimes it's very hard to make them understand my name… #
- I'm saying (at least trying to say) 'naoki' ("en-EI-ou-kei-ai"), but they are hearing as 'nioki' ("en-AI-ou-kei-ai"). #
- Actually, it's very hard for me to tell something by letters. I think (& I know) that's because my pronunciations of alphabets are not good. #
- But, to be honest, I can't understand HOW my pronunciation is bad and HOW different from the native's. THAT's the problem. mmm… #